Stephanie Noirjean

J’aide les cavaliers à comprendre ce qui freine leur progression et à trouver leurs solutions afin d’évoluer vers leurs objectifs et de s’épanouir dans leur pratique équestre.


I help horse riders to understand what stifle their progression and to find their solutions to evolve towards their goals and to thrive on their horse-riding practice.

Arianna Hope Anderson

I grew up with learning challenges that impacted my self-confidence for years. I learned how to overcome my challenges and appreciate the gifts they brought me. I help students and young adults create unshakable self-confidence that is just lying beneath the surface waiting to shine through. I work with students to overcome their harsh inner critic and learn to embrace challenges on their path to success.

Jo Renshaw

I help mothers in their 40s be fit, healthy and energetic and be an outstanding example to their daughters.

I’m passionate about helping my clients enter midlife feeling confident and energised. In order to do so I help them implement lifestyle and mindset changes. This can include exercise, diet, sleep, time management and navigating relationships.

I teach my clients how to work with their natural female cycle post 40, rather than against it, to maximise their energy without having to hit the gym 5 days a week, count calories, or depriving themselves of pleasure.

Learn more here.

Emma Jones

Coaching you into success, Growing you into prosperity

Dolly Wyatt

Life is an adventure full of beauty. It is easy to get stuck. I unleash the potential of each client through thoughtful and meaningful education, coaching, and training to better navigate the rollercoaster of life.

With intentional building of our belief in ourselves, and our capabilities, we can not only find joy, we can reach toward the dreams we hold closet to our hearts.  My clients break free from their limiting beliefs, and are able to live powerfully and contribute the world in amazing ways.

We have been trained to look for what’s wrong with ourselves, under the guise of being able to improve.  But studies have shown that being hard on ourselves doesn’t work.  My clients discover how to motivate themselves with kindness, to love the life they have and find the confidence to go after big dreams.

We are going to live our lives, let’s find the fun and joy that it has to offer along the way.

Nanci Dueck

Nanci has lived a 43-year masterclass in mental health, and the biggest lesson she’s learned is that mental health condition or not, good mental health is at its core a skillset; one that almost no one is ever taught and yet everyone needs. Nanci teaches her clients the knowledge, tools, and skills needed for amazing mental/emotional health and then helps guide them in putting their newfound skillset into practice.

Mental health is everything, and it’s for everyone.

Sara Dill

I work with busy practicing physicians on how to reduce your stress levels, create a better balance between your medical career and personal life, and have a sustainable and enjoyable clinical practice. Learn how to feel better now while designing a life and medical career that feel good to YOU.

I am an Ivy-League educated, still-practicing dermatologist who has worked in academics, managed care, private practice, and as a consultant in the pharmaceutical industry. I have been an active coach since experiencing burnout myself in 2012.  I combine my breadth of clinical experience and depth of coaching expertise to help you feel better and discover how improving your wellbeing can be simpler and happen faster than you think.

I combine multiple coaching philosophies and techniques, with mindfulness, and tools from Brooke Castillo, Martha Beck, and Byron Katie., as well as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

Annie Gibb

I am a certified life coach who specializes in helping young women challenge and conquer their inner critic. I have found that by my religious and Christian background, using scripture and doctrine along with my coaching tools brings so much more success with my clients. Are you tired of listening to that negative voice in your head? I get it. It can get exhausting when fighting that inner voice day after day. That is why I am here to help you discover new and effective ways to conquer that inner critic all while finding personal value in who you are now and who you are meant to become.

Connie Linton

My primary focus is to assist adult women through the transitions of life while gaining confidence along the way.  Confidence in your relationships with family members, friends and yourself.

Marc Hildebrand

I empower leaders to excel in both business and family life! My focus is to help you connect deeper with your family, prioritize your physical and mental health, and build a business you love. Finding YOUR version of success!

Tanya Valentine

I help overwhelmed moms who often feel like they’re drowning in the chaos of daily life. I help you regain clarity, set meaningful goals, and craft actionable plans to achieve the life you desire. I work with my clients on building resilience, managing stress, and creating a roadmap towards a more balanced and fulfilling life as mothers and individuals.