Arianna Hope Anderson

I grew up with learning challenges that impacted my self-confidence for years. I learned how to overcome my challenges and appreciate the gifts they brought me. I help students and young adults create unshakable self-confidence that is just lying beneath the surface waiting to shine through. I work with students to overcome their harsh inner critic and learn to embrace challenges on their path to success.

Annie Gibb

I am a certified life coach who specializes in helping young women challenge and conquer their inner critic. I have found that by my religious and Christian background, using scripture and doctrine along with my coaching tools brings so much more success with my clients. Are you tired of listening to that negative voice in your head? I get it. It can get exhausting when fighting that inner voice day after day. That is why I am here to help you discover new and effective ways to conquer that inner critic all while finding personal value in who you are now and who you are meant to become.

Christine Woltman

Mindset coaching helps you discover and master new ways to be more intentional with your thinking. We work together to investigate your thinking, your beliefs and your behaviors to see which ones are helping you and which ones are hurting you. From there, we build on what works so you can take back control of your life and get the results you desire.

Neesha B.

I’m Neesha B., Life Coach & Educator, and I help women, tween, & teen girls learn how to live with the thoughts and emotions that can cause stress, anxiety, and burnout.

As an experienced teacher and a mom to two teenage daughters, I am acutely aware of the many challenges tween and teen girls face as they try to navigate adolescence.

So I have developed a unique 8-week program to help tween and teen girls feel empowered to deal with those challenges. My program helps pre-teen and teenage daughters in a proactive rather than reactive way, and helps them develop the tools they need to navigate the teen years and beyond.  I work with both neurotypical and neurodiverse children. Parent/caregiver coaching support is also available.

I also help women, tween, and teen girls explore and choose go-to stress management strategies that can help them de-stress and deal with day-to-day challenges such as overwhelm in the short term. We can develop a long term plan to manage stress and anxiety: a plan that centers your priorities and values so that you can meet your goals and achieve a greater sense of wellbeing.





Armony Mangin

Helping divorced working moms turn their desires into decisions, find their direction and commit to their future plan so they can create the life they haven’t yet imagined was possible.

Jennifer Collins

Jennifer Collins

I help moms with teens who feel overwhelmed by frustration, anxiety, guilt or sadness as their teens grow up, test boundaries, and pull away. Small Jar offers one-on-one life coaching to to help empower you to re-connect and strengthen the relationship you have with your teens and create peace, confidence, and new purpose as a woman approaching the next chapter of your life.

Nina Greschner

Our mind is the source of our power. When aspiring to be the best in the world, it is essential to learn how to effectively manage this power. On the path to great success, obstacles are inevitable. Having a Performance Coach by your side, reflecting your mind back to you, and sharing effective tools is crucial. I am dedicated to guiding individuals through their journey to excellence, helping them overcome challenges, and unlocking their full potential.

Kimara Gustafson

I help parents and caregivers find ways to best support, encourage and empower children of all ages and their families to ensure they can reach their fullest potential.

Mindy Kyle

Hey Stepmom, ever feel like you’re barely hanging on?
Like this stepmom role has completely taken over your life? You’re struggling to make sense of it all and at the same time feeling completely caught off guard by all the challenges you didn’t see coming. Maybe the resentment and frustration are beginning to build. Your relationships are starting to suffer and yet, you still don’t even know where to begin to change things. Nothing you have tried has created the kind of blended family life you thought you’d have or the one you hope to have.

Yep, I’ve been there too. I’ve been a stepmom myself for over 15 years. I’v struggled with all of it and then some. I know what it feels like to be in your shoes and thats exactly why I am so passionate about what I do as a stepmom coach.

If you are TRULY ready to feel empowered and aligned in your stepmom role, have more meaningful and connected relationships, a deep sense of belonging in your own home and not feel constantly controlled by the actions or behaviors of your partners Ex on a daily basis, I am the coach for you!

Jackie Wiebe

Have you considered homeschooling, or are you currently homeschooling your children?

I believe you are capable of homeschooling your kids, and I’m here to help you succeed.

Whether you are thinking about homeschooling, ready to start homeschooling, or want ongoing support, I can help you.

As the founder of HomeSchool ThinkTank™, I am committed to helping parents homeschool their kids successfully.

Click here to sign up for a consultation, join the next workshop, or listen to my podcast.

Jessica Parnell

Mental toughness can be an athlete’s greatest strength or it can be their biggest weakness. We help Athletes, Coaches, and Parents develop a clearer understanding of their thoughts and feelings. Let’s Talk PMA, helps to unite the team to accomplish the goals and prepare athletes to get ready for success.

The ultimate goal of our program is to create leaders within athletes. When leaders are created, they can help those they are surrounded by to further the awareness of mental health.

Bonnie L Butler

I help foster and adoptive parents find and renew their confidence after facing the unique challenges that accompany parenting traumatized children. I teach them necessary tools to improve and maintain good emotional hygiene which then helps them to parent their children more effectively.