Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Neha Awasthi

I help Life Coaches & Practitioners to UNMUTE their superpowers and get fully booked in their practice. I do that with my 5S framework: soul, strategy, social media, storytelling, sales. Words are the currency of internet & online coaching business. When you know how to use them intentionally – you have a superpower to share your message powerfully & create the change you want to create in the world. I teach you how to do it with substance, strategy & skill so that you can inspire your people to take action.

I also work with woman of colour afraid of being “authentically” visible – which I call becoming UNMUTED.

Carol Parker Walsh, JD, PhD

We’re a strategic advisement and leadership development company for individuals and organizations ready to unlock the potential and possibilities of professional and executive women. Through one-on-one and group coaching, along with executive masterminds, we help high-achieving women gain a deeper self-awareness that empowers them to overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and thrive in their lives and careers.

Christine Vo, MD

Have you achieved “paper success”, the job, the family, the house, the income, but still feel like it’s not good enough?  Are you thinking that there’s got to be something more than this, but don’t know what it is?

I work with introverted professional women who “have it all” yet feel unfulfilled.  I help them identify their pain point and navigate their way to fulfillment and serenity.

As a refugee and a woman of color growing up in the US, I felt voiceless and powerless.  I joined the military and became a Women’s health physician and passionately served others.  Over time, these career choices only magnified my feelings of guilt and powerlessness, and led to burnout.  As a mother I wanted better for myself and for my children, but knew that it had to start with me.

Coaching has helped me reclaim my power and sharing this with others has become my passion.  I am now dedicated to helping women understand their subconscious habit loops, and show them how they’ve created their reality by default thinking and beliefs.  Through this process they can create a different reality with care and intention, and during the process find their unique voice while expanding their confidence in all aspects of life.

Nicky Taylor

Blow up your life!
Because now is your time

I help dynamic women over 40 discover their true desires and blow up their lives.

There are messages all around
us that as we age we should live less, be less and do less.

These messages can lead us to hide, lead us not to hear our own desires, lead us to be confused and uncertain about what we want, even when though we’re dynamic and successful professionally.

They can lead us to be invisible.

F*&@ Invisible!
You were born to shine.
You were born to stand out.
You were born to share your gifts.
Your best moments are yet to
You’re a sassy, badass and you

I blew up my life over 40.

After a life-time of chronic over-working and believing that my worth came from career success, I still had so much self-doubt. Once I found coaching I found freedom in being able to create my own happiness and success. In partnership with my sister, Stephanie Taylor, I became an award-winning property investor with a multi-million pound portfolio, multi-6-figure business owner and number 1 best-selling author.

We now live lives we never imagined were available to us.
Our only regret is living in limbo for so long and not even realising what was missing.

It’s our passion now to share the message with other women to unlock their desires, see the sparks within them and blow up their lives over 40.

Celia Varghese, MD

You know how a lot of women start a business to spend time with family only to find out that they have less time for family, God and themselves? What I do is help women work less without losing any money in the process so they have more time for all three areas of life. For instance, one mom I worked with wanted some morning time for herself without sacrificing her work time. Our plan? A 10-minute walk outside before she kicks off her work day.

Stephanie Taylor

Blow up your life!
Because now is your time
I help dynamic women over 40 discover their true desires and blow up their lives.
There are messages all around
us that as we age we should live less, be less and do less.

These messages can lead us to hide, lead us not to hear our own desires, lead us to be confused and uncertain about what we want, even when though we’re dynamic and successful professionally.

They can lead us to be invisible.

F*&@ Invisible!
You were born to shine.
You were born to stand out.
You were born to share your gifts.
Your best moments are yet to
You’re a sassy, badass and you
I blew up my life over 40.

Lost the weight with ease after believing it was impossible for me to stop overeating.

And after decades of thinking that business and wealth were ‘not for me’, I found coaching. In partnership with my sister, Nicky Taylor, I became an award-winning property investor with a multi-million pound portfolio, multi-6-figure business owner, number 1 best-selling author and was voted Inspirational Person of the Year by Potential Unlocked with Les Brown.
We now live lives we never imagined was available to us.
Our only regret is living in limbo for so long and not even realising what was missing.

It’s our passion now to share the message with other women to unlock their desires, see the sparks within them and blow up their lives over 40.

Jen Cui

Personal development isn’t about constant improvement or fixing yourself. It’s about embracing and expressing your true self.

It’s about being your real f*cking self.

In doing so, I have helped past clients:

– Reclaim their power after sexual assault and emotionally abusive relationships
– Feel lit up by life and reconnected to their joy- even with stage 4 cancer
– Say “no” to dating the wrong people and make experiencing genuine connection the norm
– Experience peace and gratitude in their life- without having to change anything externally
– Cultivate the belief, energy, and focus to build their own business (on top of their full-time career!)
– Wake up excited to execute their healthiest life—rather than skipping their routines for the 140th day in a row
– Develop peace with past traumas and ground in a healed self-concept

As a ✨Soul Whisperer✨ I’m a no-b.s. intuitive that bridges the energetics and pragmatics so you can reconnect with your intuition and develop the confidence to create the success, love, and peace you deserve.

Come check out my work, take what resonates, and work with me in the most aligned way for you.

See you soon!

Dr. Trina Dorrah, MD

Dr. Dorrah is a certified self-love and body confidence life coach. Her mission is to help women break free from the culture of body shaming that tells women their bodies are never good enough.

Dr. Dorrah was inspired to become a self-love and body confidence coach after recovering from an eating disorder, and after learning that almost everything she had been taught about diets, health, and body image was wrong. She wasted so many years of her life trying to find the magical diet that would help her finally love how she looked.

Ultimately, Dr. Dorrah realized that the key to finding self-love and body confidence starts with our thoughts, and it involves practicing concepts such as radical self-love, intuitive eating, questioning traditional diet rules, engaging in healthy behaviors regardless of our size, and learning to accept our bodies as they are in this moment.

Dr. Dorrah is passionate about using her experience to help other women find the same freedom around food and body image that she has found.

Payal Patel Ghayal MD

Live a life of endless “Yay” moments! Advocate for yourself by listening to your inner voice so you can live in freedom, wake up everyday with purpose, and enjoy your work & family. This can only happen when you let go of the expectation society, culture, family and YOU have put on yourself. It’s time to choose you!! Hang up the tiger-mom cape. Hang up the perfect doctor cape. Hang up the perfect partner cape.

Lindsey B. Faucette, D.O.

I help women who are successful and active and busy in many areas of their lives, but feel challenged when it comes to staying healthy and staying connected to fun and satisfying sex. I help them feel like they are in control of their health, more decisive in making health care decisions, and more excited and confident in enjoying great sex!

Through my membership-based medical practice, practical strategies, and laser-sharp coaching, I’m here to help you. My patients and clients tell me they know I’m on their side. They know they can trust me and I help then grow and relax knowing we are making life healthier and sexier.

As a physician trained in Integrative Medicine, and a connected and compassionate provider, I have extensive experience working with patients with unusual health challenges including autoimmune disorders, sexual struggles, and social and emotional conditions that affect their world.

When I’m not supporting women and patients become all they know they can be, you can find me snuggling and reading with my 4 and 9 year old children, planning my next travel adventure, or wine tasting on the beautiful Central California Coast.

Let’s chat! And until then Be Well, Stay Safe and DREAM BIG!

Jennifer Dent Brown

It’s time to get off of the weight loss struggle bus. When your current weight loss plan doesn’t seem to work, you quit that one and go start another, right?

Sounds insane, but unfortunately, it’s very common. Americans spend over $60 billion a year on weight-loss related products.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. This little bit of information is NOT new to you.

It’s finally time to realize the next new diet isn’t going to solve your weight loss problem. The diet is not the issue. It’s you.

Your relationship with food, your mindset, and your lifestyle are the things that are keeping your weight up and your spirits low.

It’s time to do weight loss in a completely new way.

Esperanza Lebron

I use Neuroscience in my coaching practice to help my clients overcome a lifetime of subconscious patterns and beliefs in minutes. My passion lies in breaking possibility open and helping business owners see themselves as confident CEOs.