Emma Jones

Coaching you into success, Growing you into prosperity

Amanda Queen,MD

I help women physicians stop enduring and start enjoying the lives we’ve worked so hard to create. I will help you find a better path forward for yourself and your family regardless of what life throws your way.

I specifically love helping women docs create more peaceful relationships with their exes. If you want more serenity in this space, contact me below. I want to help you find better!

Alana Schramm

You’re a mindset master, you’ve used the Model to create some amazing results, you’re convinced it’s the best thing ever and yet…

…It’s just not working anymore.

You feel like you need to try harder with thoughtwork, but there’s just so much resistance,

and all these emotions keep coming up and blocking you from taking action,

and you’re getting exhausted trying to thoughtwork through them (even if you did, it doesn’t feel like it’s shifting them anyways…)

When this happens, it’s time to celebrate! 

Because it means, you’re ready for the next level, a paradigm shift:

It’s not that you aren’t working hard enough at your thoughtwork or actions, 

it’s that you are working too hard, forcing your mind to create energy, motivation and direction all by itself, when it was never meant to.

Your mind was always meant to work as a team with your body.

The sticky feelings that won’t leave, your resistance, your exhaustion… these are all benevolent messages your body is bringing up to help your mind do things differently.

They are sources of wisdom and intelligence that your mind could never have access to.

When you learn how to tap into that channel AND use thoughtwork together, that’s where effortless and easeful results can flow in.

I will teach you a way to work with your emotions, to harness their wisdom, energy, and inherent beliefs so you can supercharge your results.

Sara Dill

I work with busy practicing physicians on how to reduce your stress levels, create a better balance between your medical career and personal life, and have a sustainable and enjoyable clinical practice. Learn how to feel better now while designing a life and medical career that feel good to YOU.

I am an Ivy-League educated, still-practicing dermatologist who has worked in academics, managed care, private practice, and as a consultant in the pharmaceutical industry. I have been an active coach since experiencing burnout myself in 2012.  I combine my breadth of clinical experience and depth of coaching expertise to help you feel better and discover how improving your wellbeing can be simpler and happen faster than you think.

I combine multiple coaching philosophies and techniques, with mindfulness, and tools from Brooke Castillo, Martha Beck, and Byron Katie., as well as Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

Renée G. Pardo, Esq.

Renée helps women attorneys who are struggling with  over eating, drinking and spending, stop doing those compulsive behaviors against their own interest, so that they can take back control over their lives.

Stephanie Martin

I coach executives and entrepreneurs rediscover the meaning and impact of their activity.  Understand yourself better, to deploy your full potential and have more impact on what really matters to you in your personal and professional life.

Feeling isolated, overwhelmed, with no time for yourself or your family doesn’t have to be that way.

It’s possible to succeed in your business and in your life !

Loren Finger

I am a Certified Career and Life Coach for Mums, the founder of TLC for Working Mums™ and the host of TLC for Working Mums Podcast.

I help working Mums get clarity on their next career move, and then help them land their dream career.

I also help Mums confidently create a thriving career, WHILE being amazing and present Mums to their kids.

Through the lens of life and career coaching, plus my experience as a working Mum in corporate (as a lawyer), not-for-profit (as CEO) and in my own successful business, I have developed a proven framework for Mums to confidently change or advance their careers, whilst showing up as the Mum they’ve always wanted to be.

The truth is, you can have both a thriving career AND be an amazing Mum. My coaching philosophy and program will show you HOW.

After all, all Mums need TLC.

Stephanie Bickel

Helping leaders be consistently compelling forces for their organizations by helping them develop exceptional communication skills – so they can transform their businesses, teams, and relationships to new heights.

Nancy Beard

I believe everyone deserves the tools to help them live their life with purpose, passion and joy.

My mission is to help clients find clarity in their lives as they steer through changing phases of life.

I will guide you as you consider new thoughts that can be used to heal relationships with yourself, your family and/or those in the workplace.

Jasmin Matzakow

To all mid-career artists and creative professionals who are stuck in a slump and lost your artistic passion.

Years ago, you started your career with so much fire, idealistically you put a lot of time and energy into developing your creative practice, and now you are wondering „why am I doing this again?“

Let’s get you out of that slump and rediscover the power of your artistic process.
You will create safety and trust with yourself and create your art with ease.

I have worked with the plant the Stinging Nettle in my art for many years and I learned a lot from her.
 I have harvested the large plants in autumn in my local parks, brushed away the leaves and dried the stalks in my studio. I broke the stems open, peeled away the strong skin and was left with long strands of green fibres that I could twist into yarn. I worked hundreds of plants into threads and threads into necklaces.

All of this to say that I have been quite intimate with the Stinging Nettle for years and I have observed many traits from the Nettle that I could transfer into my life: She lets you know clearly when you have crossed her boundaries, you feel the prickly itch on your skin right away. But when you know how to be around her, when you take your time, you can pick her fresh leaves with bare hands. She grows big and lush wherever humans leave their shit. She is a great metaboliser and transforms used material into extraordinary new fuel. She gives a lot of herself, you can drink her tea, eat her like spinach, let her fertilise your garden, create nourishing hair wash and twist her fibres into strong, lasting yarn for ropes and fabric.

Do you want to live less anxious, with more ease and learn how to compost your mental sh!t into the fuel of your life: come and coach with me.

I am and artist and a life coach, and I’m taking all I have learned in 20 years of making art, teaching art, being human, and my coach training into one programme:

The Stinging Nettle Coaching Programme

Here are some examples of what we can do:

Create Stinging Nettle Boundaries so that you are not anxious anymore and start trusting yourself.
We will look at the state of your boundaries, so that you are aware of them and clearly know them in your bones. You will get to a place where you can communicate them with more ease.

Create Stinging Nettle Clarity so that you take your decisions quickly and calmly. Gone are the days when you spend weeks thinking about which is the best option and are so paralyzed that you don’t try anything at all. (Remember the last time you wanted to buy a backpack, spend days researching for the best one and didn’t buy at all in the end???)
We will look at your decision overwhelm: All the decisions you want to take but are not taking. You will find ways to make the best decision for you. Quickly and calmly.

Create Stinging Nettle Sovereignty so that you stop expending your energy on this perfect looking mask that you wear and which disconnects you from your creativity. Connect back with your inner fire that started this career of yours.

Create Stinging Nettle Roots so that you take up space in this world comfortably and calmly. Learn to create safe belonging for yourself.

Create Stinging Nettle Weirdness so that you can embrace your oddities with love. Doing that will allow you to create more art than you ever have, in a way you will enjoy. I will help you transmute what you think is bad about yourself into your super powers.
Fun fact: “weird” comes from having power to control fate. Let’s go do that together!

Create Stinging Nettle Composting Powers so that you are not afraid of failing anymore and start experimenting playfully. All the while being kind to yourself. Beating yourself up is a super intense energy hog. Let’s direct that energy where you actually want to use it.

Create Stinging Nettle Nourishing Love (you know, the kind that also loves your healthy boundaries) so that you feel at ease no matter what. Focus on giving in a way that nourishes both other people AND you. That’s like a super power and will give you lots of room to move in your life.

Elaina Battistessa

My coaching program focuses on the mindset piece of selling. Most companies provide the “how” to sell, but with me we will dive deep on discovering the thoughts, patterns and beliefs that are in your way. We will explore who you are, what you are capable of, how you present yourself, your core beliefs about selling, money, and how you and others view you, ensuring you are aligned in integrity and can sell authentically, dealing with the emotional highs and lows of sales. Together we will collapse time to get you to your future confident and successful self that meets her quota with confidence and grace.

Marc Hildebrand

I empower leaders to excel in both business and family life! My focus is to help you connect deeper with your family, prioritize your physical and mental health, and build a business you love. Finding YOUR version of success!