Ken Li

I help professionals who are stuck in their careers (and life) discover what they truly want so they can find more purpose and fulfillment. I also specialize in helping second-generation Asian Americans who were pushed into careers they never wanted.

Pete Beskas

I am a Coach for Dads, I use the Model to create awareness for my clients, allow them to take full responsibility for their change, and guide them into taking massive action to create the life they want. My coaching is simple, effective and actionable which is what every man wants.

Jimmy Turner MD

Through the Alpha Coaching Experience, we help physicians (both men and women) who feel trapped in medicine find the financial freedom they need to practice medicine however they want through mindset, money, and life coaching.

Cam Nichols

As sensitive people, we think and feel deeply. We’re more sensitive to our environment and the people around us. We’re more prone to burnout, negative self-talk, and the loss of our core selves in relationships. We’re often misunderstood and/or criticized for being who we are or seeing life through a different perspective just because we’re wired differently than 80% of the world.

But here’s the thing…

Your sensitivity and intense emotions are not a weakness–they are your superpowers! YOU’RE F*CKING AMAZING!!! And I know you know this deep down (or you wouldn’t be reading this!).

Over the years, you’ve been beaten down by others (and yourself). That critical voice in our mind doesn’t always tell the truth. When we believe the judgments and fear-mongering, we don’t go after what we want or need.

But now is your time to SHINE! As the world shifts into a kinder, softer, more authentic, and genuine age, we’re here to be examples of how to make this world a better place. And it starts with YOU finding your voice so you can self-advocate and express yourself in all your badassery!

I understand that changing your self-perception is not an easy task (or you would have done it already!). Which is why we focus on both your conscious AND subconscious mind. By transforming how you think about yourself, you find the deepest, most genuine, and most potent self-trust that propels you into going after and getting whatever it is the hell you want.

“Shining bright gives others permission to shine as well.” – Cam Nichols

Chao Sun

If you are an employee with a six-figure salary but do not feel happy,

If you are an employee who wants to leave your full time job and become a full time entrepreneur but do not feel like you can replace your full time job salary with your business.

If you are an employee who wants a successful business but do not feel like you have enough time to build it after your 9 to 5 job.

If you are an employee who wants financial freedom but do not want to feel like you have to sacrifice your current life style to achieve it.

I got your back.

Craig Spear

I help men over 35 who want to get fit and lose weight so they can show up for their families and stop feeling stuck. Perhaps you want to lose weight, sleep better, get a better job or just feel better? The only thing holding you back are your beliefs about who you are and what’s possible. If you change your thinking, you’ll change the way you feel, which will change the way you act. When you change the way you act and show up in life your results change too. It’s an amazing process, but you can’t do it alone, otherwise you would have done it already. That’s where coaching comes in.

JP Bolwahnn

Former Navy SEAL turned Life and Fitness Coach helping unlock the healthiest, most productive, and highly effective version within you.

Dex Randall

I coach stressed and anxious professional guys back to peak performance at work (often when they’ve lost their mojo and think it isn’t coming back).

Using simple techniques, start to recover in a matter of weeks. People will wonder how you did it!

Steve Haase

I help leaders crystalize their vision and break free from imposter syndrome so they can have the impact they most desire in life.

I use tools from my experience leading at hypergrowth tech companies combined with the power of the thought model to empower executives to live into their highest vision for their business.

Because life and work are not separate, and it all starts with you.

Monaye Marcia, MSA

I Help You Grow From Trauma By Teaching You To Create A Post-Traumatic Growth Mindset

What Is Post-Traumatic Growth

Many have heard of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is a commonly known term in the media of what an individual may experience after surviving trauma. It has been a household phrase. However, what has not been talked about as often is Post-Traumatic Growth (PTG)

Post-traumatic growth is a positive change experienced as a result of the struggle with a major life crisis or a traumatic event.

I created the Post-Traumatic GROWTH Mindset Formula for warriors who are ready to take their control back from their traumatic experiences.

The PTG Mindset is using what has happened, is happening, or will happen that caused trauma in your life AND using the trauma to be the best version of yourself.

You Can Create A Post-Traumatic Growth Mindset if you are tired of:

  • Crying yourself to sleep
  • Not being able to get out of the bed
  • Re-telling your trauma  story as a victim
  • Self-sabotaging behavior
  • Worsening anxiety

Or you find yourself feeling:

  • Broken
  • Defeated and powerless
  • Empty
  • Frightened
  • Helpless and hopeless
  • Insecure

You will learn to love yourself even more now and create a life better than before the crap you been through.

You will gain confidence, clarity, and strength to take on any task no matter how big.

Let me help you create a life you deserve.

Ben Pugh

I help parents and their teens create more happiness and connection by building rock-solid relationships and turning struggles into strengths, without power struggling and fighting.

I coach both parents and teens/young adults on developing resilience and social/emotional skills to turn life’s obstacles into opportunities.

As a high school principal, football coach, and foster dad, I have learned skills that help me connect with both teens and their parents. Through my unique experience, I help motivate and empower parents and teens to make lasting change in their lives based on their dreams, goals, and desires.

Dave Moreno

I am the badass business coach who helps entrepreneurs reach six figures and beyond.

I help you develop the exact plan, mindset, and create the badass energy you need to be incredibly successful. It’s unlike any other coaching you’ve experienced before.

I am direct, I am strategic, and I am dedicated to your success. In Six Figure Academy, we do hard things to help you become more of the badass entrepreneur you want to be. When you work with me, and you’re surrounded by other entrepreneurs doing this work, you can’t help but reach six figures and beyond. This is going to rock your world.

Six Figure Academy