Got Goals? Join Brooke's brand new Big Goals Workshop here.

Else Kramer

I help gifted introverts stop sabotaging themselves and get the results and recognition they desire and deserve.

My clients are super smart executives, academics, founders and entrepreneurs who know they are not fulfilling their full potential.

This is surprisingly common, because yes, having a very smart mind is amazing – and it can be a huge challenge.

There are so many people who want a piece of you, so many things you COULD do, that it’s hard to even find the headspace to figure out what it is you want and need.

Add to that the challenge of working with humans with different minds, the constant pressure you put on yourself, the second-guessing, and all the other smart ways in which your brain inadvertently tries to trip you up.

We’ll work together to figure out what it is you really want, what’s in the way of achieving that and how you can manage your smart mind to overcome all those obstacles.

After working together you’ll feel a sense of purpose again, you’ll be back in charge of your life and work, and, as a result, be less stressed and achieve much more.

You’ll be managing your smart mind instead of being a slave to it.

Dr. Amy Boyd

Less than half of women who start the doctoral journey actually go on to graduate with their PhDs. Dr. Amy helps women writing their doctoral dissertations silence the inner mean girl and finish their PhDs so they can move on to that next opportunity waiting for them. The dissertation does not have to suck the life out her clients, and she helps clients uncover joy in this journey.

Lauren Fair

I help smart women to divorce confidently and sensibly so they can save time, money, and stress. If you’re overwhelmed, I can help.

With an extensive background as a practicing divorce attorney and mediator, and double-certified as an LCS Master Coach and a Certified Divorce Coach, I can help you move forward with clarity, confidence, and courage.

Learn to conquer overwhelm, navigate the complex legal system, decide whether and how to involve an attorney, minimize the impact on your kids, gain clarity on where to put your attention and resources in the process, reduce and and manage conflict, make strategic decisions for your future, co-parent effectively, and feel better.

Divorce coaching is recognized by the American Bar Association as an alternative dispute resolution process. I support clients to successfully engage in the divorce legal process as well as the attendant life transition, while reducing conflict and the impact of it on my clients and their children.

Through my years of experience in the family law industry, I have come to believe there is a better way to divorce than many of the stories you hear from friends, and I am on a mission to help others divorce differently.

Once you’re through the storm, we’ll rebuild a life you are excited to live. You planned your wedding – a one-day event. Why wouldn’t you plan your divorce – the gateway to the rest of your life?

Dominique Vandal

I’m Dominique Vandal, a Master Certified Body Confidence Coach, dedicated to empowering women leaders, entrepreneurs, and coaches in overcoming body image obstacles, enabling them to confidently share their vision, mission, and message with the world.

As someone who has conquered my own body image challenges, I fully comprehend the importance of rising above these barriers to truly harness our unique gifts and talents in order to create the lasting impact we so deeply desire.

My innovative approach combines Master-level coaching techniques with somatic practices, enabling you to increase your comfort and confidence in authentically presenting yourself. This transformative method will help you to mend your relationship with your body and step into the limelight, prepared to serve.

Kirsten Simon

What if you didn’t have a time management problem?

The truth is, it’s never a time problem. It’s something deeper than time.

I’m Kirsten Simon, Master Certified Feminist Time Coach, and I’ll help you solve your time management struggles once and for all by going deeper than your calendar.

We can talk about calendaring methods and time management tactics, of course, but more importantly, we’ll work together to uncover the gender-based socialized beliefs that are unconsciously and drastically impacting the way you think, feel, and act in relation to time, productivity, and rest.

This awareness will help you cultivate a more loving, compassionate relationship with yourself and ditch the time struggles (for real this time).

In my coaching practice, I believe you and I have a collaborative and mutual relationship. I’m here to facilitate and empower you on your journey to wherever it is that you want to go. I create a space of inclusiveness, openness, and non-judgment where you feel like you can just relax and be your authentic self.

I believe that you are sovereign in our relationship. You have ultimate power in your life; only you know what’s best for you. This is why I won’t ever give you advice or tell you what you should do. Because I don’t know what you should do – only you know that. So when you look to me as an authority who has the answer, I’ll lovingly guide you back to your own inner wisdom.

Maggie Reyes


  1. How you love is how you live so learning to love better in your marriage  impacts every area of your life.
  2. A well loved heart does not go to war with itself or others. Improving our marriages is how we change the world. One loving heart at a time.
  3. Personal responsibility and self validation are the keys to loving even more deeply, and thriving without attachment.
  4. You can laugh about things other couples fight about.
  5. The fight you don’t have is the fight you don’t need to recover from.
  6. Feelings are like water they need to flow or they become deadly.
  7. One person can change the world and one person can change a marriage.
  8. Your highest inner wisdom always knows what’s best for you, removing any limiting beliefs or obstacles between your own inner knowing is what the coaching process is for.
  9. The quality of a relationship is more important than it’s length.
  10. Not every marriage can or should be saved, but every relationship can be improved and brought to its maximum potential for growth and thriving.
  11. Grounded, centered love is the best place to make decisions from.
  12. Coaching tools based in cognitive science, neurobiology and socratic questioning can help you have a better life and a better marriage. You can learn and master these tools through practice and incorporate them into your daily life just like yoga or meditation.

Krista St-Germain

I help widowed moms learn to work with their grief so they can fall in love with life again.

You see, most widows have been sold an outdated an inaccurate bill of goods about grief and resigned themselves to a “new normal” they aren’t excited about. They don’t know about Post Traumatic Growth. They don’t know that most of what they’ve learned about grief is wrong. And if they do know they can be truly and genuinely happy again, no one is teaching them how.

After my husband, Hugo, was killed by a drunk driver in 2016, I worried my best days were behind me. That my shot at real happiness was gone. All my dreams had been about us. I wanted to believe that better was possible but didn’t have the tools. Therapy helped me get back on my feet so I was surviving but Life Coaching gave me the tools I needed to create a future I could get excited about.

In my Mom Goes On group coaching program, I help widowed moms get back to truly living life again. Once we’re done, you’ll feel free of the heaviness that’s weighing you down and keeping you stuck. You’ll be ready to move forward with life. You’ll be certain of your ability to make any kind of decision on your own and know you can create the future you want. You’ll be confident in your parenting, knowing you’re raising resilient, independent children. You’ll stop trying to be both parents. Your relationships with others will seem easier because you’ll know exactly why they aren’t working and what to do about it. Whether you’re dating again or contemplating it, you’ll know you can be happy either way. We will have examined every area of your life and you’ll be stronger, bolder and more self-assured than you’ve ever been. You’ll know what you want going forward and you’ll have the tools you need to create it. And you’ll have a new community of widows like you who get it and plenty of support along the way.

This program is by application only. Click here to take the next step.

Kirsty Knight

I help ambitious female entrepreneurs get more done in less time, so they can hit their money goals, without burnout.

There is a reason why you are not getting as much done as you would like. A reason why you can’t fit in all the things you have to do to reach your goal. It’s my job to help you figure it out and then solve for it.

Having successfully run three businesses and multiple other projects simultaneously over the last four years, I’m pretty confident in saying I know how to get stuff done. And no, I’m not Wonder Woman. It’s just that I have a productivity system that works for me and I know how to manage my brain.

That last part is the most important. Because you can have the best productivity system in the world, but if you are struggling to make yourself use it, it’s about as useful as a chocolate teapot (yes – I’m British and yes, I take clients from all over the world)!

So yes, I will teach you my system, and all the productivity tools I know and love. But more importantly, we will work together…

To get you following it.

To get you out of confusion, doubt, and overwhelm.

To get you clarity on your strategy to reach your goal.

To stop you people-pleasing, procrastinating and self-sabotaging.

To keep you focused, organized, decisive and effective.

To overcome your fears and get you taking massive action.

To reduce your perfectionistic tendencies.

To stop you overworking and get you upholding your boundaries.

And finally, to get you moving towards your goal, whilst making time for you and enjoying the journey!

My 5 phase process is not just productivity tactics. It’s not just mindset work. It’s not just business strategy. It’s all of it.

Anna Javellana

Property managers are busy. If you want to make it in this business, you must be “on” all the time. So, how do you make time for yourself?

Years ago, I handled the demands of this high-paced industry by “over-doing” it.


Thankfully… I learned how to “get over” it all so I could create a life I truly enjoyed.

Hi, I’m Anna and I’m a Work – Health – Life Balance Coach. I help busy property managers who are “over it” reclaim authority and balance in their life. I work with high-achieving real estate managers who struggle to balance their health with the demands of a face-paced career.

This is for women who do all the things.. except the things they need to do for themselves.

You can balance it all. I am here to show you the tools you need, teach you how to use them so you can step into the best version of yourself. By transforming yourself, you transform your life. Let me show you how.

Jill Angie

I help women who have never felt athletic start running and feel confident in the body they have right now!

Dex Randall

I coach stressed and anxious professional guys back to peak performance at work (often when they’ve lost their mojo and think it isn’t coming back).

Using simple techniques, start to recover in a matter of weeks. People will wonder how you did it!

Molly Zemek

Professionally trained chef and Master certified coach, Molly Zemek, helps food lovers reach their ideal weight without giving up the food they love.

Through the process of unraveling old habits, and developing the skills to eat mindfully, Molly’s clients learn to enjoy food and themselves even more during this transformative journey. Molly’s program Weight Loss for Food Lovers combines thought work, emotional wellness and conscious eating to create a recipe for sustainable weight loss.