LCS Directory

Through our Coach Certification Program, we train and certify top coaches from all over the world.
Search the directory to find the coach who is right for you.

Business and Leadership Coach

Business and Marketing Coach

Marketing Coach

Coach and Mentor for Coaches

Life & Health Coach for Dental Professionals

Confidence Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Life and Faith Coach

Life Coach for Rare Moms

Life and Parent Coach

Obesity Doctor / Life & Weight Coach

Narcissism Recovery Coach

Transformational Mindset Coach

Confidence Coach

Career & Life Coach for Pre- And Postdoctoral Scholars

Leadership Coach for Executives and Aspiring Leadership Professionals

Weight Loss Coach

Online Marketing Coach

Business Clarity Coach

Physician and Certified Life Coach

No Gain Weight Loss Coach

Friends for Life Mother and Adult Daughter Coach

Certified Life Coach

Life and Health Coach for women with AutoImmune Disease

Coach for Moms of Boys

Faith-Based Mid-Life Coach

Work-Life Balance for Social Entrepreneurs

Happy 2 Be Me Coach

LDS Empty Nest Coach

Breakup Coach

Weight Loss Coach for Women

Certified Life Coach

Certified Life and Business coach

Stop Emotional Eating Coaching

Mother-in-law Coach

Stress Coach for Type A Tech Professionals

Life Coach for Women

Online Business Coach

Anxiety and Perfectionism Coach

Self Worth Coach

Business Coach for Catholic Moms

Coach for Christian Singles

The Mindset Coach for Midlife Men

Certified Life Coach

Life Coach for Women Who Work

Business Mindset Coach

Life Coach to Equestrians, Horse Trainers & Instructors

Inner Voice Facilitator / Embodied Communication Coach

Overwhelmed Mom Coach

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