LCS Directory

Through our Coach Certification Program, we train and certify top coaches from all over the world.
Search the directory to find the coach who is right for you.

Money Mindset Coach

Women's Life Coach

The Timeless To Do List Coach

Corporate Employee Empowerment Coach

Time Management for Hardworking Go-Getters in Corporate

Business and Leadership Coach

Empowerment Coach for Entrepreneurs

Self-Empowerment and Relationship Coach

Copywriting Coach for Life Coaches

Life and Fitness Coach

Life Coach for Women in Climate

Life Coach for Women Who Want to Experience Calm, Order and Inner Peace Instead of Stress and Overwhelm

Burnout, Life & Business Coach for Physicians

Confidence & Boundary Coaching

Coach for Stressed, Overwhelmed Moms

The CEO Coach

Life coach for divorced working moms

Transformational Mom Coach

Transformation Coach for Women 55+

Certified Life Coach

Deep Dive Life Coach

Business & Performance Coach

Executive Leadership Coach

Coach for College Students

Dating Coach for High-Achieving Women

Down Syndrome & Special Needs Mom Coach

Life & Adventure Coach

Life Coach for Woman Stuck in Midlife

The Big Birthday Coach

Stop Overworking Coach

Adult Child Relationship Coach

Life After Divorce Coaching

Mental Health and Addictions Life Coach

Career & Life Coach

Life After Divorce Coach

Post-Traumatic Growth Coach

Coach to Moms of Autistic PDA or ADHD kids

Weight Loss Coach for Women

Money Mindset & Business Coach

Business Coach for Holistic Nutritionists

The Curvy Girl Dating Coach

The Post-Traumatic Growth Coach

The Career Break Coach

Certified Life Coach

Fun & Confidence Coach

Self and Relationship Coach for Leaders in the Service Industry

Certified Life Coach for Moms

Relationship Rebound & Self Love Coach

Business Process & Mindset Coach, LGBTQ+ Advocate

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