LCS Directory

Through our Coach Certification Program, we train and certify top coaches from all over the world.
Search the directory to find the coach who is right for you.

Body, Mind, and Lifestyle Transformation Coach

The Coach for Busy Women Financial Advisors

Certified Life Coach

The Mindset Coach for Midlife Men

Coach to the Childless After Fertility Treatments

Women's Life Coach

Life & Money Coach

LDS Empty Nest Coach

Life coach for people wanting to rebuild their life after Narcissistic Abuse

Midlife Women Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Business Coach for Holistic Nutritionists

Online Marketing Coach

Life Coach

General Life Coach

Business & Personal Growth Coach

The Nurse Coach for Nurses in burnout.

Fertility and Life Coach

Parents/Guardians of Children with Disabilities

Stop Overworking Coach

Life & Money Coach for Divorced Working Moms

Mom/Adult Child Relationship Coach

Toddler Mom Coach

Healthcare Leadership Coach

Next Right Thing Coach for Parents of Q+ kiddos of Conservative Faith Background

Confidence & Leadership Coach

Life & Leadership Coach

Women’s Empowerment Life Coach

Over-Shopping Coach

Certified Life Coach

Career & Mindset Coach for High-Achievers

The Wingman - Especially For Men Whose Wives Have Transformed From Coaching

The MomRage Coach

Life After Divorce Coaching

The "Get Organized" Coach

Attorney Life Coach

Latter-day Saint Missionary Life Coach

Relationship & Lifebook Coach

Life after Babyloss Coach

The Coach for Moms Whose Kids Don't Come to Church

Self-Discipline Coach

Life Coach for Female Attorneys

Introvert, Shyness, Social Anxiety Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Anxiety and Perfectionism Coach

Healthy Habit Coach For Women Over 50

Business Clarity Coach

CPG Food Business Coach

Self Love & Empowerment Coach for Women

Life & Business Coach

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