LCS Directory

Through our Coach Certification Program, we train and certify top coaches from all over the world.
Search the directory to find the coach who is right for you.

Burnout, Life & Business Coach for Physicians

Life and Mindset Coach for Women Physicians

Leadership & Life Coach

Online Business Coach

Stop Over-drinking Coach

Business & Marketing Coach

Life Coach for International Workers

Online Business & Marketing Coach

Lady Sculpt Lifestyle Coach

Business & Money Menopause Coach

Weight Loss Coach

Mind-Body-Gut Wellness Coach

Money Mindset & Business Coach

Decluttering Coach

CPG Food Business Coach

Self Advocacy Coach

Life + Weight Loss Coach

Mind Body Weightloss Coach

Catholic Life Coach

Executive and Life Coach for Mid-Life Women

Coach to the Childless After Fertility Treatments

Life and Business Coach for Female Entrepreneurs Over 35

Coach for Career-Minded, Christian, Single Moms

Autism & ADHD Mom Coach

Business Scalability Coach

Work-Life Balance for Social Entrepreneurs

Obesity Doctor / Life & Weight Coach

Weight Loss for Women 50+ who want to lose 50+ pounds

Life and Mindset Coach for Health Care Workers

Life Coach for Entreprenurial Women

Weight & Body Image Coach

Weight Loss & Life coach

Happy 2 Be Me Coach

Food Freedom Coach For Women

The Soul Purpose Business Coach

Life Transitions and Grief Coach

Business and Marketing Coach

Business Coach for Artists

Life Coach to Equestrians, Horse Trainers & Instructors

Business & Sales Coach

ADHD Coach for Adults

Money Mindset Coach

Weight Loss Coach For Women in Healthcare

Perfectionism Coach

Side Gig Coach

Christian Relationship Life Coach

Life & Weightloss Coach

Online Marketing Coach

Coach for Novelists

WFPB/ LDS Weight Loss & General Christian Coach

Invisible Illness Coach

Performance Coach

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