LCS Directory

Through our Coach Certification Program, we train and certify top coaches from all over the world.
Search the directory to find the coach who is right for you.

Self-Empowerment and Relationship Coach

Sports Mindset Coach for Athletes, Parents and Sports Coaches

Life & Weightloss Coach

Relationship Coach

Homeschool Coach

Stress & Time Management Coach For Entrepreneurs

Life Coach to Equestrians, Horse Trainers & Instructors

Body, Mind, and Lifestyle Transformation Coach

Business & Marketing Coach

Life & Health Coach for Dental Professionals

The Badass Business Coach

The Love Your Life Coach

Life and Fitness Coach

Certified Life Coach, Board Certified in Obesity Medicine

Mindset, Habit & Productivity Coach

Celebrity Coach

Life After Divorce Coaching

Emotional Freedom Coach for Female Physicians

Coach for Professionals in the Film Industry

Mental Health and Addictions Life Coach

Academic Medicine Coach

Homeschool Parenting Coach & Consultant

Post-Divorce Empowerment Coach

Intentional Living & Alcohol Freedom Coach

Real Estate Business Coach

The "Get Organized" Coach

Happy Eater Coach

Online Marketing Coach

Life & Business Coach for Photographers

Certified Burn Out Coach

Performance Coach for Athletes

Mental Toughness Coach for Athletes, Coaches and Parents

Business & Life Coach

Love Your Daughter-in-law ~ Master Coach

Better Than Healthy and Better Than Sexy

Autism & ADHD Mom Coach

Food & Mood Coach

Feminist Time Coach

Life & Career Coach

Coach for Career-Minded, Christian, Single Moms

Catholic and Christian Men's Coach

Coach for Stressed, Overwhelmed Moms

Christian Career, Life, & Purpose Coach

Executive Coach and Optimal Life Strategist

Catholic Life Coach

Sugar Rehab Coach

Mindset Coach for College Women

Certified Life & Breadwinner Energy™ Coach

Mind Body Weightloss Coach

Running Mindset Coach

Health & Wellness Coach